Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy & Data Protection

LegalUnite is committed to protecting the privacy of itsusers. We provide a safe and secure user experience and we will do our best toensure that the information you submit to us remains private & confidentialand is only used for the purposes set out in this policy. This privacy policyensures that we do this in accordance with your instructions and our statutoryobligations. By using and visiting our website and providing us withinformation relating to your personal details you consent to this privacypolicy and to our User Agreement.

Online services

To use our online services, you will be required to registerwith us, by providing your name, email address and a password. You may alsoprovide additional information about yourself (contact details, current position,company and experience) to create a detailed profile. You can do this fordifferent reasons; to become more visible and to make contacts with other legalprofessionals. You will also have access to our job board which will allow youto apply for specific jobs. You will have access to different materialspresented by other members and you will also be able to share materials anddebates. We will ask for your credit card details when you register andpurchase certain services.

Your email address will be used for the purpose of keepingyou informed, by email, of different information including new matching jobsposted, newsletters and individuals who wish to connect with you.

If you no longer wish to receive such emails, there is anoption to remove you from such list.

You have the right to access and make changes to yourpersonal information. You can also close your account at any time but anypayments already made will not be refunded.

You have the right to request for a copy of the informationprovided by you that we hold on you. If you would like to make such request forinformation, please contact You also have the right toask LegalUnite to stop using your information.

We keep the personal information you provide us with whilstyour account is live. We may have to even continue retaining certain personalinformation after you close your account should this be reasonably necessaryunder legal obligations.

Profile Communications

By using LegalUnite to initiate communications withnon-members (sending an invitation to non-members) certain of your personal information such as your name and email address will be identified. This also applies when you connect with other profile members of LegalUnite, and your profile will then be accessible.

Change to privacy policy

This privacy policy can be changed at any time by us. If ourprivacy policy is changed the new details will be posted on this page. If, atany time, you have questions or concerns about LegalUnite's online privacy commitment,please feel free to e-mail us at

The Data Protection Act 1998

The information that you give us, including your CV andcontact details, is termed "personal data" under the Data ProtectionAct 1998. We must therefore follow the principles set out in that Act when weprocess your personal data. All the personal data that we obtain from you isheld on LegalUnite database.

Please note that clicking on to links and banneradvertisements may result in your transferal to another website, where dataprivacy practices may be different to that of The Company. Visitors shouldconsult the other websites' privacy policies as we are not responsible for, andhave no control over, information that is submitted to or collected by these third parties.


Cookies are small pieces of information sent by a web server to a web browser, which enables the server to collect information from the browser. We use cookies on our site for it to function effectively. The cookies we use are anonymous, hence no one is identifiable. You can turn off your cookies in your own browser, however, we cannot guarantee access to our online services.

Copyright Notice

This website has been created for and on behalf ofLegalUnite. All copyright is the property of LegalUnite and any unauthorised reproduction is prohibited. Unauthorised use of LegalUnite trademarks, tradenames and logos is prohibited. Content is for your personal use only, subject to terms & conditions. No redistribution of material is allowed.

Please note that the use of this website is subject to our termsand conditions.

Questions & Concerns

If you have questions or concerns regarding this policy please contact LegalUnite at